April 23, 2012 | It means I am here to help. I am here to share insight into a different industry, the building code industry. The code industry is going through some growing pains. The electric code, energy and green codes, and fire sprinkler mandate, for example, have created some worry amongst professionals. The IRC for residential keeps growing larger, while the IBC for commercial is referring more to other costly standards…
But I’m already boring you… Decks are your business, not codes.
I would agree it’s not your worry, if we were back in 2006, or if you’re working under the 06 IRC. That was before decks and codes really collided. The code industry is way ahead of you though and decks are plenty included. In nine month…NINE MONTHS…the deadlines for the 2015 IRC are due…alas…here I go again on a code rant…
It means I am here to stay ahead of the codes for you, or at least in front. It means I can be your representative in the code industry. I can listen to your current experiences and concerns about the industry. It also means I can help connect the membership in an informed and sensible compromise of ideals such that the industry can flourish together…ahhh…
To do this we need to connect. Find me on LinkedIn or Twitter, find my messages in the weekly newsletter, visit the blog page, or send me an email. Help me work on your behalf and not my guess of it. I can’t advise or represent the association in the code industry if I’m not connected to the membership.
Hey! I only said “code” eleven times. Not bad.