By Kevin Jackson


Have you ever seen a leader who is on fire? A confident, charismatic, contagious and consistent winner? Well, this person probably has mastered the “C’s”. Here are a few of them!


Great leaders realize that their success was not achieved purely based on their skill, efforts or great looks. The connection with like-minded partners, colleagues, friends and mentors all play a critical role in the development of a leader and their associated teams. However, the contrary is also true, so please be mindful. Surrounding yourself with those who may not have your best interest in mind, or who do not fit into your value system, could contribute to your demise in the long run. Start making appropriate, powerful connections today!


True confidence comes from failing forward and getting back in the game. It comes from hours and hours of preparation and practice in and on your craft. It hails from the acknowledgement of self-worth that you’re worthy of this opportunity and that you should be in this space at this appointed time. Confidence is knowing that you must bring your “A” game and that you are willing to put in the effort consistently to do so. We must be confident every day in our approach because the opportunity in front of us right now may never present itself again.


#1. Be the best at what you do. #2. Never stop at #1! Always be on time, on purpose, on budget and on point! Listen intently to your customer’s desires and do what you say you are going to do when you said you were going to do it. This sounds extremely simple on paper, but unfortunately most miss some very key elements in the delivery of service to their customers. If you or your work are not credible, no one will ever listen to you, take you seriously and hire you to fill a void – period!


Be careful what you post. Be careful who you host. Be careful what you like. Be careful what you say on mic. Be careful what you tweet. Be careful what you eat. Be careful what you say. Be careful how you spend your day.

Regain control, as there are many things that are designed to trip leaders up in today’s society.


Many leadership authors talk about gravitas. If you don’t know what it is, google it! People and organizations who have a magnetic approach will always leave a positive long-lasting impression on you. All leaders should research and practice the traits of a charismatic person (humility, maturity, bringing value and substance to those around you). This is what gets you the job, the promotion, the deal you wanted or simply the satisfaction that you have moved something forward in the right direction.

Don’t you clearly “C” now? Influence is necessary to lead. Make a difference by focusing on these “C’s” in the next few weeks. You’ll be glad you did!

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Read his original article here