Seven winners of the Deck Building 101 Giveaway will be chosen according to project skill level, difficulty, creativity and innovation. The top winning deck will receive a slew of excellent industry prizes.
For the second year in a row, the Deck Building 101 Facebook group is calling on builders to share their best decks online for a chance to win top industry prizes.
The Deck Building 101 Giveaway is open to members of the Deck Building 101 Facebook group, as well as other Facebook deck building groups including the Elite Deck Building Professionals and Custom Deck Builders.
To enter, builders must have joined at least one of these Facebook groups, submitted three photos and one video, and liked a project photo online to vote for their favorite project. The deadline for entries is Oct. 1. The four categories are:
Tech-Incorporating lighting, electronics and technology into the design and function of the deck space.
Stairs-Craftsmanship displayed in the design and finish of the deck stairs.
Inside Out-Interior features incorporated in the deck design that are typically indoors such as kitchens, and custom features.
Solo Builder-Designated for the solo deck builder that takes the job from conception to completion as a one-man show.
The seven winners, including the top three overall winners and one winner from each of the four categories above, will be chosen by the editors of Deck Specialist according to the project’s skill level, difficulty, creativity and innovation. Builders can submit projects in multiple categories.
The first place winner will receive:
- A feature in Deck Specialistmagazine
- Exclusive Deck Building 101 expert swag
- A Demo-Dek demolition tool
- Dexerdry blue claw compression tool and swag
- A demo kit by Tru-Scapes deck lighting
- A one-year North American Deck and Railing Association (NADRA) membership and one paid entry into the NADRA’s 2024 National+ Deck Competition
- Decking clamp adapters by Jeremy Wilkins
- A photo and company logo on the cover of the Deck Building 101 Facebook page that receives over 75,000 daily impressions
The winners will be announced at Deck Specialist’s panel discussion on Wednesday, Nov. 13 at noon at the Outdoor Living Stage.
For more information about these builder groups, search for their name in your Facebook app under Groups.
Source: Deck Specialist Read original HERE