NADRA Atlanta Chapter Meeting Re-Cap
August 2015
Our guest speaker from Constant Contact showcased the third meeting of 2015 taking place at the Ivy in Buckhead, GA. There were 27 members and guests in attendance. The meeting was held on August 18, 2015.
During the meeting the previous minutes were read and approved along with the anit-trust statement. Nominations were made for the new board to include Mike Reasons as President, Joey Matthews for Vice-President, Joel Mooneyhan for Secretary and Kevin Waters for treasurer. Voting for the new board will take place in the October meeting.
James Gunning spoke about the DeckExpo show and provided class, education and social information. He also discussed NADRA’s main event and the National Deck Competition. Several members of the Atlanta Chapter plan to attend.
Joey Matthews gave an update on the Deck for A Soldier project and all material and labor donations were finalized during the meeting. The build, which is set to happen on Oct 1st, should be another great opportunity for us all to serve.
Main sponsors for the meeting was Southeastern Underdecking and iLighting. Sean Ryan discussed a very detailed presentation on the new products from iLighting and benefits of their system. Joey Mooneyhan discussed the benefits of using Southeastern Underdecking to keep a space below the deck dry. They have many products that can help to finish out the normally unused area under the deck.
Demming Bass from Constant Contact gave us a very informative presentations and discussion on how to use Constant Contact to change the way we do our marketing. His ideas on how to specifically use the service in the decking industry will prove to be helpful for many of our members. Demming also discussed the partnership with NADRA and how we can save money.
The next meeting will be held at the Ivy Buckhead on Tuesday Oct 20th.
Respectfully Submitted,
James Gunning, Atlanta Chapter President