Acclaimed deck builders and industry enthusiasts from around the world traveled to Nashville, TN for the Remodeling show, DeckExpo and JLC Live (RDJ) at the end of last month. NADRA held several events while in Nashville. Below is a recap from each exciting event.
Click the image to view a 5 minute video of photos from NADRA’s 2017 Awards Dinner at Jimmy Buffet’s Margaritaville, Nashville, TN.
NADRA CPAC Meeting: 10/25/17
The overall intent of this program is to provide the consumer with a simple, straightforward labeling program to assist in their product selection.
A recognized label will accompany easy to understand product performance measurements to educate consumers so they can make more knowledgeable product selections.
“This meeting was a great opportunity to discuss CPAC with a large audience of mfrs. Many misconceptions about the CPAC program were addressed. I hope everyone heard how CPAC makes sense and helps everyone improve sales, reduces friction costs and elevates the entire industry. ” says Committee Chair, Andrew Clements
The committee continues to work diligently; taking input from a range of supportive sources to drive the program to completion. You can review the slides on the presentation below from the annual meeting. For more information about CPAC and how you can get involved, please contact NADRA.
Annual Golf Tournament: 10/25/17
Thank you, Golf Sponsors:
The Winning Team:
- Chris Brown- EscueWood Preserving
- Matt Roughen- Lonza Wood Protection
- Vikki Pingle- Lonza
- Kirk Hammond- Lonza Wood Protection
Chris Brown took the win for both Longest Drive AND Closest to the Pin!
Rooftop on The Rocks – NADRA’s Welcome Party: 10/25/17
NADRA members and friends gathered for a casual get-together on the rooftop at The Westin hotel.
NADRA’s Booth at RIDIJ:
If you came by the NADRA booth, you’ll know about our first-ever scavenger hunt. The first 50 builder members to complete the NADRA scavenger hunt received this fantastic grab bag from our amazing sponsors! This was a great way to introduce our builder members to NADRA’s exhibiting members at the show. We plan to expand on this idea even more next year.
Annual Awards Dinner: 10/26/17
NADRA members and industry friends filled up the second level of Jimmy Buffett’s Margaritaville in Nashville, TN… Everyone climbed the piano staircase to the second level to be greeted with custom lanyards and a cold Corona or frozen Margarita.
The night was made possible by NADRA member sponsors.
NADRA Platinum Sponsor, Bob Heidenreich – The Deck Store, spoke to the crowd for a moment. He chose a quote from Theodore Roosevelt.
Every man owes a part of his time and money to the business or industry in which he is engaged. No man has a moral right to withhold his support from an organization that is striving to improve conditions within his sphere.” Theodore Roosevelt
Thank you, Bob!
More Highlights from the Night:
NADRA Annual Meeting:
This image below will take you to our powerpoint presentation via SlideShare:
2017 Recognition Awards were presented to:
- Rick Schumacher – for his dedication to the industry & association. thank you for your generous commitment of time and leadership!
- Bob Lett – Teamwork can be summed up in five short words… “We believe in each other.” Thank you for being part of the team!
- Chuck Bajnai – For his work in leading the Code Coalition
- Rick Vaughan – NADRA’s very first member to support our beloved Deck for a Soldier program (Est. 2007)
2017 Terry Award Winner:
- Kirk Hammond – For superior contributions to your industry association. Coming together is a beginning… keeping together is progress… working together is success.
NADRA’s 2017 Board of Directors:
- President: Kirk Hammond, Lonza Wood Protection
- Treasurer: Matt Breyer, Breyer Construction & Landscape
- Secretary: Bob Lett, Wolf Home Products – Outgoing
- Past-President: Bill Ross, Fiberon – Outgoing
- Rick Schumacher, LMB Journal – Outgoing
- Heath Bowman, Southeastern Underdeck Systems, LLC / Haven
- John Burkhart, JECS Demand
- Bruce Verblaauw, C. Verblaauw & Sons, LLC •
- Associate Director: Andrew Clements, Bright Claims WarrantyLink Solutions
NADRA’s 2018 Board of Directors:
- Matt Breyer, Breyer Construction & Landscape
- Bruce Verblaauw, C. Verblaauw & Sons, LLC
- Heath Bowman, Southeastern Underdeck Systems, LLC / Haven
- John Burkhart, JECS Demand
- John Keller, Sequoia Supply
- Gary Converse, Koppers Performance Chemicals
- Vincent Carruba, Admiral Spacemaker
- Immediate Past-President, Kirk Hammond, Lonza Wood Protection
- Associate Director: Andrew Clements, Bright Claims WarrantyLink Solutions
Code & Education: Chairman: Matt Breyer.
250 NEW certified Inspectors through NADRA education!
Deck for a Soldier®: Chairman: Bruce Verblaauw / Committee: Joey Matthews, Vincent Carrubba and Michael Ryan
- Active projects:
- Northeast – Active
- Minnesota – Happening now!!!
- Southeast – Actively looking for recipient
- Call to Action: We are now starting to request sponsors and material / labor pledges for the program. Please consider meeting with Bruce during the show to select your sponsorship level and / or to confirm your pledge.
CPAC: Consumer Product Awareness Charter: Chairman: Andrew Clements / Committee: Special Thanks: Brad Wear – NTA, Robert Rottin
ghaus – UFP, Barry John Davis – DPDS International, Ltd. , Gary Hobbs – AERT ,Paul Beaulieu – Green Bay Decking, Stan Hathorn – Royal / Westech
NADRA was selected by the industry at large to be the ambassador of this non profit consumer label program. NTA is the appointed administer who certifies participants to the NADRA Consumer Awareness Program. Check out the presentation via SlideShare to learn more about CPAC.
Shout-Outs! Speaker: Heather A. Marchand
There were a few folks that deserved a little bit of recognition. Shout-outs went to:
C. Verblaauw and Sons, LLC & Witt’s Woods and Greens: Two builder members who supported the events in Nashville at the sponsorship level. It means the world to NADRA to have support from all levels of the value chain. Thank you for your un-ending support of the association.
Women in the Industry: Where would we be without you? You know, the people that really get all the work done. The remarkable women in the industry deserve some special recognition.
Family Businesses: It’s not easy working in a family business. At NADRA HQ, we know this first hand! We appreciate your struggles, triumphs and passion for your family and this industry.
Georgia and New Jersey Members! Two of our most active regions in NADRA. Our foot soldiers… hosting several events per year from networking meetings to holiday parties and clay pigeon shooting events. Each region participates in at least one Deck for a Soldier® or Deck for a Hero® project each calendar year. NADRA wants you to know that we see your dedication and passion for NADRA and the industry we serve. Thank you!
International Focus for 2018:
“For the market to grow the key element is increasing consumer awareness of quality” The International objective of NADRA is to extend to the world the simple message that… The Objective: By extending the reach of the CPAC program we can extend the market potential for North American businesses. NADRA leads the deck and railing industry with highest quality professionals in all of North America, and the world.” Barry John Davis
2017 National Deck CompetitION
We are proud to announce the winners of the 2017 National Deck Competition! Thank you to all of our members who entered. We invite you to scroll, tag, comment and share these beautiful, national, award-winning projects from some of the best in the industry. Congratulations to all of our members & a special thank you to our sponsors. *Please click on each image to enlarge.
See who took home awards & many of the smiling faces that attended this sold out industry event by clicking the image below.